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a man and a woman sitting at a table in front of a clock

Studio DB

New York, NY, US

Britt and Damian Zunino use their backgrounds in fashion and architecture to craft contemporary interiors. The duo creates collected and layered spaces with a focus on unique shapes, clean lines, and considered details.

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a living room filled with furniture and a flat screen tv
a dining room table with chairs and a potted plant
a bedroom with a large bed and yellow curtains
a bath tub sitting next to a toilet in a bathroom
a kitchen with a marble island and wooden cabinets
a dining room with a table and chairs
a living room filled with furniture and a large window
a kitchen with a blue island in the middle of the room
a bedroom with a bed and a vase of flowers
a living room filled with furniture and a fire place
a bathroom with a sink and a mirror
a dining room with a table and chairs
a living room filled with furniture and a large window
a living room with a blue and white rug
a living room filled with furniture and a large window
a dining room with a table and chairs
a bedroom with a large bed and a painting on the wall
a living room filled with furniture and a chandelier
a bedroom with a four poster bed and a chair
a couple of beds sitting next to each other in a bedroom
a room with a table, chairs and a couch
a living room filled with furniture and a fire place
a living room filled with furniture and a fire place
a bath room with a tub a sink and a mirror
a dining room with a large painting on the wall
a kitchen with a chandelier hanging from the ceiling
a kitchen with white cabinets and a bowl on the counter
a dining room with a table and chairs
a living room with a couch and a table
a bathroom with a sink and a mirror
a kitchen with a marble counter top and gold cabinets
a living room filled with furniture and a painting on the wall
a living room filled with furniture and a fire place
a kitchen with marble counter tops and white cabinets
a bedroom with a bed, chair, and a wall mural
a kitchen with a marble counter top and white cabinets
a living room filled with furniture and a fire place
a room with a desk, chair, lamp and window
a room with a table, chairs, and a bench
a foyer with a marble floor and white walls
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